Dutch Miller Hyundai

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Mar 23, 2021

As the weather warms up and travel restrictions ease, you are going to be out, and behind the wheel, much more in the next few months.


While this bit of freedom, not to mention the warmer temperatures, are welcomed by just about all of us; it’s important to still be aware of the safety fundamentals in your car.  Here are four fantastic ways to keep your driving safe and your Spring moving in high-gear.


Avoid distractions while driving

While quarantined, many of us passed even more idle time on our phones and electronics than ever before While it’s always tempting to send one more tweet or read one more text, distracted driving leads to 1,000s of car accidents every year. The solution is easy: put your phone down while driving. Many smartphones, like the Apple iPhone, have “Do Not Disturb” features that safely restrict interruptions while driving.


Check your tires

You spent 20 minutes matching your strappy sandals or the newest Nikes to your outfit for brunch, but you forget to spend just a  little time on the foundation of safe driving: your tires. Tires need to be properly inflated to prevent blowouts, and balding tires will cause hydroplaning during a pop-up rainstorm. The best part: unlike your shoe options, checking tire tread wear can be done with pocket change!


Don’t Tailgate

Even with modern braking systems, cars need separation to provide sufficient stopping distance. What does that mean in plain English? Don’t Tailgate! Give the car in front of you some space  (and less of a complex) to help prevent a fender bender, or worse. If you are suffering from a ‘gater’ on your tail, try to change lanes or, if in a safe area, pull over momentarily and let the impatient people go by before continuing your journey.


Know your vehicle’s features

The auto industry has greatly expanded the suite of safety features available in cars, with each model year bringing more and greater safety and convenience options to the consumer. With all these additions, it’s smart to have a working knowledge of what your car can do. Take a few minutes to familiarize yourself with your vehicle’s user manual for a breakdown on how safety features like collision warnings, adaptive headlights, and autonomous or assisted breaking can make your travels safe and secure.


By following these tips, it’s easy to spend more of your time enjoying the warm weather, rather than  going over insurance paperwork or hospital bills.


Be safe and have fun!